The emergence of new technologies, digital cameras, high-quality high definition video, and the stereoscopic (3-D) image have been accompanied by the arrival of digital cinema (D-Cinema). The advantages of digital cinema are indisputable: a superior image, a scratch-free, crystal clear picture, lower distribution costs, and excellent protection against piracy throughout the entire distribution process. FILMPRINT DIGITAL is proud to introduce a range of new services including the preparation of hard drives and keys for digital cinema.
FILMPRINT DIGITAL creates Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) using the highly sophisticated and efficient Clipster workstation made by DVS. Clipster is capable of generating DCPs at speeds exceeding real time, thus enabling Filmprint Digital to offer extremely flexible and rapid turn-around time. Clipster allows FILMPRINT DIGITAL services encompasing all areas of production of digital formats:
- DCP mastering (from formats including DCDM, DSM, MOV, TIFF, DPX, MXF, Blu-Ray, MPEG-4)
- 3D DCP mastering (from sequences for right and left eyes)
- Conversion from DCP to MOV, TIFF, DPX, MXF, Blu-Ray, DVD, MPEG-4
- DCP mastering of credits and audio
- Verification and editing (closed captioning for the hearing impaired) of DCP projects
- DCP trailers and advertising spots
- KDM production and management
- DCP duplication (up to 50 disks per day)
- Distribution of disks to cinemas
- Digital distribution:
DCP Duplication, Key Delivery Message (KDM) Management, and Delivery:
Our services include high-speed duplication of DCP disks, their delivery to cinemas, and KDM key management. Once we receive a DCP master we can manufacture up to 50 DCP clones per day. We deliver keys from our Prague warehouse. We offer 24-hour technical support for cinemas and KDM emergency assistance.
DCP (Digital Cinema Package)
DCP is a hard drive on which a film is delivered from the distributor to the cinema projector. It is protected in such a way that it can only be played on a specifically designated machine. In a DCP a video is stored in MXF format compressed by JPEG2000 encoder with definition of 2K (2048x1080) or 4K (4096×2160) and a data rate of 250Mbit/s. It also contains uncompressed audio files in MXF format with a sampling frequency of 48kHz or 96kHz with 24bit gravity. Subtitle files in an XML text file are last.
KDM (Key Delivery Message)
A highly sophisticated KDM (Key delivery message) that safeguards the contents of these video and audio files against piracy was developed to protect DCP hard drives. A KDM features three levels of security. First a unique, 128-bit AES key is used to protect video and audio. The AES key that is required for decoding video and audio is then encrypted with an RSA key that is again encrypted using yet another RSA key. A KDM also specifies the time interval within which the film can be played. The distributor can stipulate that a KDM function only at a specific time on a specific day.
Making a DCP
A DCDM (Digital Cinema Distribution Master) or DSM (Digital Source Master) is required for making a DCP. Other formats can be used in special cases. A DCDM allows you to edit “only” the audio or subtitle track and safeguard it using a KDM: thus creating a DCP. A DSM is usually still a “raw” format that allows you to edit the image, sound, and subtitles. The production process that follows is the same. In order to make a localized DCP we can use the DCP itself and add subtitles or dubbing. Other types of input files can be used (MOV, AVI, WMV), but a DCP made in this manner may be of lesser quality due to its source.
We create DCP hard drives on a workstation called Clipster manufactured by DVS. This highly sophisticated, efficient workstation is capable of generating DCP hard drives faster than in real time, thus enabling FILMPRINT DIGITAL to offer fast and flexible service. With Clipster we can cover an entire segment of manufacturing DCP hard drives: production, subtitling or dubbing; duplication, and distribution, which includes the generation and management of KDM keys.
FILMPRINT has been in business for many years. Thus, we can offer comprehensive, yet still flexible service that encompasses the entire process of localization of films for our territory: receipt and processing of materials, including technical supervision; translation, editing and timing of subtitles. Films can be also dubbed into Czech at our own studio, LS Productions. We can provide captions or sound for any media, language can be edited, and we can carry out technical inspection of the final product; media can be readied for distribution, expedited and stored. All FILMPRINT production takes place under one roof from start to finish, thus enabling us to guarantee the safety and superior quality of our product.